Logo Kanton Bern / Canton de BerneCivil status

Order confirmation of child acknowledgement (form 5.2.2)

What is the purpose of this document, and what does it contain?

  • Confirmation of child acknowledgment can only be ordered after a child has been acknowledged. If you want to acknowledge your child before or after birth, please contact the registry office of your choice:
    registry offices of the Canton of Bern
  • The document provides information about when and where the child has been acknowledged. It confirms the notarised personal data of the father, the mother and the child.
  • You may need this confirmation if you want to apply for a passport for your child from the authorities of your native country or if you submit an application for child benefits to your employer.

Who is entitled to obtain this document?

Every person affected by this confirmation (father, mother, child)

Who issues the document?

The registry office of the place where the child has been acknowledged


CHF 30.00 (+ postage)

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