Logo Kanton Bern / Canton de BerneCivil status

Order certificate of origin (form 7.7)

What is the purpose of this document, and what does it contain?

  • The certificate of origin contains the up-to-date personal data of Swiss nationals and serves as the basis for the registration of their personal data in the register of inhabitants of their place of residence.
  • When you move, come of age or when your personal data change, your residents' registration office will ask you to submit a certificate of origin. If you do not have an up-to-date certificate of origin, you will have to order it from the registry office.
  • If you are a Swiss national who lives abroad, you will require a certificate of origin to register with the Swiss representation in your country of residence.

Who is entitled to obtain this document?

The person concerned

Who issues the document?

The registry office of the place of origin


CHF 30.00 (+ portage)

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