Logo Kanton Bern / Canton de BerneCivil status

Order evidence of the conversion of a registered partnership into a marriage (form 3.4.2.e)

What is the purpose of this document, and what does it contain?

  • The evidence of the conversion of a registered partnership into a marriage indicates the place and date of the registration of the partnership and the place and date of its conversion into a marriage, as well as the spouses' personal data.
  • The document can be submitted to employers, other authorities, banks, insurance companies, pension schemes, courts, etc.

Who is entitled to obtain this document?

Spouses who converted their registered partnership at the registry office in the Canton of Bern after 1 July 2022.

Who issues the document?

The registry office of the place where the partnership was converted into a marriage


CHF 30.00 (+ portage)

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